Obituary for
Max L. Denney
Long time Atlantic resident Max Denney, 91, passed on at the Iowa Methodist Hospital in Des Moines, Iowa on Monday, September 17, 2007. Max was born the son of Joseph and Maude (Daughenbaugh) Denney at their home, south of Anita, Iowa on September 7, 1916. He grew up attending country school. He became a hired man for Anita area farms. Max was married to Inez (Wilson) McAfee in 1945. The couple delivered groceries 3 days a week to homes in Anita. They also share-cropped and lived on several Anita area farms. Max worked approximately 18 years for Walnut Grove until he retired. He was later married to Erma Berg. Max was highly decorated with military honors including two purple hearts and a bronze star for his service during WWII. He was a member of the American Legion, Amvets of Atlantic, the DAV of Atlantic and the Anita Veterans of Foreign Wars. Max will be remembered as a friend to everyone. He never knew a stranger and was always caring for those who needed transportation to their appointments. He was an enthusiastic Christian and made himself at home in many fellowships. He is survived by his step-son Raymond McAfee and his wife Evelyn of Olathe, KS; three grandchildren, Kurt McAfee of Overland Park, KS, Darrin McAfee and wife Melanie of Newbury Park, CA and Darla McAfee Forgey and husband Jeff of Olathe, KS; great grandchildren, Dylan, Creighton, Justin and Shane McAfee, and Shaun and Paige Forgey; sisters-in-law, Helen Denney and Mary Denney; nieces and nephews, Howard Denney, Becky Rondfelt, Marion Kaufman, Joe Spry, Love Joy Farnham, Laurel Erickson, Carol Holt, and Robert Niles, Shirley Schwenke, Nancy Darrow, Donna Olson, Cecil Denney, Joseph Denney, Ronald Denney, Thomas Denney, Timothy Denney, Rose Watson, Merritt Spry, Cynthia Blaine, Lavonne Morgan, and James Denney; half-nephews, Ivan Schwenke, Charles Schwenke and Leroy Schwenke; step nephews, Raymond Larson and Norman Lloyd Larson; and many, many friends. He was preceded in death by his parents; brothers and sisters and their spouses, Wesley Denney, Dick and Eva Denney, Leslie and Mable (Schwenke) Denney, Rose and Harry Niles, Cecil and Zetta (Larson) Denney, Elma Denney, Grace Denney (in infancy), Dorothy and Lewie Kaufmann, Raymond Denney, Nellie and Floyd Spry, Fredrick and Edna and Alice Denney, and Harry Denney; niece, Loretta Denney; nephew-in-law Larry Watson; half-nephew; Irvin Schwenke and step-nephew James Larson (missing in action in the Korean War).Funeral InformationIN REMEMBRANCE OFMAX LEONARD DENNEYBorn September 7, 1916South of AnitaENTERED INTO RESTSeptember 17, 2007At the age of 91 years, 10 daysFUNERAL SERVICEFriday, September 21, 2007One Thirty in the afternoonRoland Funeral Home ~ Atlantic, IAOFFICIATINGPastor Randy Whit New Beginnings Lighthouse Fellowship ~ Atlantic, IAPRAYERPastor Jim HickmanChurch of the Nazarene ~ Atlantic, IAMUSICAL SELECTIONSAmazing GraceOld Rugged CrossCOMMITTALSouthlawn Memory Gardens south of AtlanticBEARERS Ron Denney Cecil Denney Jim Denney Joe Denney Howard Denney Merrit Spry Marion KaufmannHONORARY PASTORPastor Cheryl Dunlap from Our Father"s HouseFLOWER COMMITTEEKenneth & Joyce HansenLUNCHEONMax's family has invited friends to join them for a luncheon at the Roland Funeral Home in Atlantic.